Posted by Posted by xzone

I heard every one say "You have a silver lining"
But i din't believe them....
And now i feel what it is....
U were a stranger when i met,
Now, when i know u "U are my life".
Every wish of mine is u,
Every thought of mine is u,
Every second with u was ecstatic.
Everyday with u was a chance to know myself.
You are my aspiration ........
You are my inspiration.............
But i din't know what all these feelings meant,
Yet people say its love....
If it is so, then i Truly,Madly,Deeply love u...
I can't resist falling in love with u,
I can't wait saying "I LOVE U"...

Thinking of u,


  1. leo7_lion Said,

    I think you can compose this into a song =)

    Posted on October 6, 2008 at 6:36 AM

  2. Anonymous Said,


    Posted on October 13, 2008 at 5:09 AM

  3. Unknown Said,

    this is really heartfelt. thank you for stopping by my blog. it means a lot to me.

    Posted on October 30, 2008 at 5:07 AM